Saturday, 2 November 2024

Scales in drawing

          Usually the word scale is used for an instrument used for drawing straight lines, but in Engineering language scale means '' The proportion  (or) ratio between the linear dimensions adopted for the drawing to the actual dimensions of the object". 

It can be indicated in three different ways.

1) For example a 75mm long pencil may be shown by a drawing of 75mm length, drawings drawn of same size of the objects, are called full-size drawings.

2) For example the actual dimensions of the room say 10m X 8m cannot be adopted on the drawing. In suitable proportion the dimensions should be reduced in order to adopt conveniently on the drawing sheet. If the room is represented by a rectangle of 10cm X 8cm size on the drawing sheet that means the actual size is reduced by 100 times. This is called reduced scale.

3) For example if we draw a small size object to an increased size of our convenience, then this is called enlarging scale.

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