Sunday 28 July 2024


          In this chapter, we deal with problems on Geometrical construction, which are mostly based on plane geometry and which are very essential in the preparation of Engineering Drawings.

They are:

1) Bisecting a Line

2) To draw Perpendiculars

3) To draw Parallel Lines

4) To divide a Line

5) To divide a Circle

6) To Bisect an Angle or Arc

7) To Trisect an Angle

8) To find the centre of an Arc

9) To construct an Ogee (or) Reverse curve

10) To construct Equilateral triangles

11) To construct Squares

12) To construct Regular Polygons

13) Special method of drawing Regular Polygons

14) Regular polygons inscribed in circles

15) To draw regular figures using T-square and set-squares

16) To draw Tangents

17)  Lengths of Arcs

18) Circles and Lines in contact

19) Inscribed Circles.

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