Friday 13 September 2024


Drawing instruments are used to prepare drawings easily, quickly and accurately. The quality of the instruments has a big impact on how accurate the drawings are. With instruments of good quality, desirable accuracy can be attained with ease. It is, therefore, essential to procure instruments of as superior quality as possible.

Below is the list of minimum drawing instruments and other drawing materials which every student must possess:

1 . Drawing board

2. T-square

3.  Set-squares - 45° and 30°- 60°

4.  Drawing instrument box, containing: (i) Large-size compass with inter-changeable pencil and pen legs (ii) Lengthening bar (iii) Small bow compass (iv) Large-size divider (v) Small bow divider (vi) Small bow ink-pen (vii) Inking pen

5.  Scales

6.  Protractor

7.  French curves

8.  Drawing papers

9.  Drawing pencils

10. Sand-paper block

11. Eraser (Rubber)

12. Drawing pins, clips or adhesive tapes

13. Duster

14. Drafting machine

15. Roll-n-draw.

We shall now describe each of the above in details with their uses:

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